Channeled being : 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ,  Written by : Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. It is a wonderful time for you to examine the way in which you approach your life. It is a wonderful time to do this because you have never had a greater opportunity than you do right now to easily change the life that you are living. So examining your life means taking a look at how you start your day, how you approach the people in your life, what energy you bring to the work that you do.

We are talking about taking a look at all of the subtle ways in which you are creating your reality when you don’t think you are actually creating your reality. If there is something that you want in your life but that you don’t have, then you will put all of your spiritual knowledge to the test. You will apply yourself. You will pay attention to your thoughts, your emotions, and your vibration because you feel motivated to do so, possibly even inspired.

But when it comes to your day-to-day activities, the nuts and bolts of your life, have you really considered your approach and the energy that you bring? Here is why you will want to start doing that on a regular basis.

Everything is moving faster now, and the changes that you want to see in your life can be achieved with much less effort than you have previously believed.

But it is still important for you to pay attention to your attitude, to your energy, and particularly to your vibration.

You may still be unaware of your vibration at times because there are certain areas of your life where you just believe that action is the only way to get you from point A to point B. And so you continue to put your head down, put your nose to the grindstone, and get done through action that which you believe is necessary for you to do. But what about the vibration you hold during all of the time that you are performing those tasks? Is it the vibration that you want to create your life with, or is it the vibration that you have resigned yourself to holding because the world is as it is?

If you don’t believe that you can change your world easily, then you won’t, and most of you won’t even make the effort. Believe us when we say it is small changes to everyday activities that will make the biggest difference in how you create your reality, and in the reality that you experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Credit : Channeled by Daniel Scranton. More information about his work can be found in his website

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Daniel Scranton
Hi, I’m Daniel Scranton. I am a verbal channel, and I bring through beings like: Yeshua, Archangel Michael, The Hathors, The Arcturian Council, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Quan Yin, The Buddha, and The Creators. I also teach channeling, sound healing, meditation, and a whole host of other courses. I work with individuals one-on-one, and I do group events. I meet with my clients via phone, skype, or other internet portals. I channel a message from the beings I work with every day, and I post it on my website and send it out to my email list. I look forward to hearing from you! Love, -Daniel