People, in general, live in three states or worlds.

  1. Awaken state or known world (material world)
  2. Dream state or dream world (virtual world)
  3. Deep sleep state or unknown world

A human with all senses is very active in awaken state or known world using all of them. With the association of mind, senses keep receiving, sending and storing information in the material world.

In dream state or virtual world, all the stored data is retrieved in different permutation and combination according to the daytime activities, felt through all sense organs at brain which is referred as dream. A human virtually lives in dream world created by his own content.

In deep sleep, a person does not experience anything at all. It is almost a non-existent state.

All three worlds are different. A person should completely live in either material world or virtual world. That completeness is missing with human!

As soon as a person wakes up from dream state or deep sleep state, he becomes conscious with active sense organs. Is it a completely awaken state? No, in dream state or world, he was using the past data to create a new world and lived happily or nightmarishly. Then, all external sense organs were completely at rest. Now, at awaken state or real world, he must come to real world completely and become conscious which is not happening.

The external sense organs aligned with their corresponding brain parts are supposed to receive, store and retrieve the data whenever they need. But, the reality is different. As soon as we open our eyes, thinking starts (unnecessarily) which is equal to living in dream world.

Thinking is nothing but dreaming.

In awaken state, neither we live in real world nor dream world completely. Being conscious or awakening means living without thinking or no-mind.

Rajan Thirumalai

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Rajan Thirumalai
I am a teacher by profession and spiritual seeker for the past 11 years. I do my profession for bread winning but my very breathing is yoga and spirituality. The curiosity in me during graduation became a spark to enquire about Truth and resume the seeking process of my previous births. The idea of sharing my knowledge and experience with others was born out of indebtedness. I received school and college education with the help of various philanthropists whom I personally do not know. But, I strongly feel that I am indebted to return what I received. I enquired on what is (my) nature? what is sixth sense for? why am I called human being? what is education? how will it help people to be free of sorrows? Being a language teacher, I also enquired what is language? what is the role of language in human understanding? The answers I got enriched my understanding with certain insights on education, language, life, love and relationship. My knowledge and clarity would help a few seekers from confused and confined state to conscious state of what is what. Besides language teaching, I am a qualified teacher of yoga in India.