Pulkit Mathur

About the author

The Spiritual Bee is founded and authored by Pulkit Mathur. Pulkit has an M.Sc. degree in Physics from IIT Mumbai, and a dual M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Financial Engineering from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. She received a full scholarship to pursue her US education. After working as an investment banker and a hedge fund professional on Wall Street for some years, she returned back to India to found the Spiritual Bee. Pulkit presently resides in Mumbai. The Spiritual Bee Foundation is a Charitable Trust (NGO) located in India, dedicated to teaching and spreading the knowledge of Advaita Vedanta. For those not familiar, Vedanta is the spiritual philosophy which underlies Hinduism. Vedanta is the name given to a collection of truths about the nature of the Universe that the ancient Rishis discovered in their states of meditative super consciousness. These truths about the Universe are so profound that they resolve some of the deepest mysteries of life, which have confounded even modern science.

Help Others, But Don’t Expect Gratitude in Return | Nishkama Karma of the Gita ~ Pulkit Mathur

Many times when we help others but don’t get so much as a thank you in return, we get terribly disappointed. In our mind we start making sweeping generalizations – “This age is not one where you can do good to others. There is no gratitude left in people.” Thinking such things we withdraw our hand from further acts of kindness. Some people get so disillusioned that they become not just indifferent, but outright cruel. But this attitude is terribly wrong as it immediately arrests our spiritual development.

The #1 Secret to a Happy Marriage ~ Pulkit Mathur

The following story has been taken from the Hindi writings of Pandit Shriram Sharma (Vangmay # 50 pages 2.56-2.57). It is presented here in an adapted and translated form. A married youth once approached Saint Kabir with a deeply troubled heart. All was not well with his marriage. The young man and his wife often argued and fought with one another.

Real Temple For God Has To Be Built Within ~ Pulkit Mathur

Through this incident of Sri Ramkrishna we can draw a wonderful conclusion – which is that the real temple for God has to be built within, in our heart. It is there that the Divine Mother truly resides. The outside temple of brick and mortar, is only to inspire us to build this real and everlasting inner temple. Such an inner temple can be built only when we cleanse our inner nature and make it pure, and free from all crookedness and cunningness. Such a pure inner temple had been built by Sri Ramakrishna for the Divine Mother Kali. His entire life was a testimony to that.

Choose a God Realized Guru, As Only a Knower of God Can Guide to Samadhi ~ Pulkit Mathur

The following excerpt has been taken from the book Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda (Free). In it Swami Brahmananda explains the necessity of a God Realized guru for an aspirant pursuing the spiritual path. For those not familiar with Swami Brahmananda – he was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, who under the able guidance of his guru had attained to the highest Nirvikalpa Samadhi, just like his brother-disciple Swami Vivekananda had.

The Origins of “Arise! Awake!” – The Thundering Words With Which Swami Vivekananda Woke Up India ~ Pulkit Mathur

Arise! Awake! Seek the guidance of an illumined teacher and realize your true self. The path of spirituality is difficult, like walking on a razor’s sharp edge. (Yet, do not despair! Fill your minds with courage. Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached!)

Teachings of Swami Vivekananda on Fate – We Create Our Own Destiny ~ Pulkit Mathur

There was a very powerful dynasty in Southern India. They made it a rule to take the horoscope of all the prominent men living from time to time, calculated from the time of their birth. In this way they got a record of leading facts predicted, and compared them afterwards with events as they happened. This was done for a thousand years, until they found certain agreements; these were generalised and recorded and made into a huge book. The dynasty died out, but the family of astrologers lived and had the book in their possession. It seems possible that this is how astrology came into existence. Excessive attention to the minutiae of astrology is one of the superstitions which has hurt the Hindus very much.

Believe in Yourself – Arise, Awake from this Hypnotism of Weakness! ~ Pulkit Mathur

Almost the first words that the great Buddha uttered were — “Whatever you think, that you are, whatever you shall think, that you shall be.” That be true, do not teach yourself that you are weak, that you cannot do anything unless you are helped by somebody who does not live here, but who sits above the damp-clouds. The result will be that you will be more and more weakened everyday and you will hypnotise yourselves into all sorts of vices. No good can come out of you, if you do not believe in yourself.

Part 6: True Devotee Should Be Calm and Undisturbed by the Bad Opinions of Others ~ Pulkit Mathur

When wicked people come to see me, I am very careful. The character of some of them is like that of a snake. They may bite you unawares. It may take a long time and much discrimination to recover from the effects of that bite. Or you may get so angry at them that you will wish to take revenge. It is necessary, however, to keep the company of holy men. Through such association right discrimination will come.

A Simple Life Is More Desirable Than a Life of Extravagance, Vanity & Show ~ Pulkit Mathur

Rather than compelling a person to lead a noble and a good life dedicated to the useful service of others, the pressure on the common person instead, is to become more and more individualistic, vain and greedy, to waste his or her time, money and resources on accumulating phones, cars, mansions, jewellery, clothes etc. far in excess of their needs. By elevating the wrong ideals in the eyes of the common person, our society is wasting its wealth and consequently its vitality, as its precious resources get diverted to satisfying the egotistical desires of a few, instead of offering succour and help to the many.

Though God Dwells in All, Wicked People Must Be Avoided ~ Pulkit Mathur

The enclosed advice of Sri Ramakrishna on avoiding the company of wicked people, has been taken from the book Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Abhedananda. Sri Ramakrishna: In our relation with men all that we can do is to take heed to ourselves that we mix with good people and avoid bad company. It is true, however, that God resides in bad people also, yes, even in a tiger; but surely it does not follow that we should embrace a tiger? It may be asked: Why should we run away from a tiger when God is dwelling in that form?

Swami Vivekananda’s Experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Complete Mergence With God ~ Pulkit Mathur

The enclosed dialogue with Swami Vivekananda was recorded by his disciple Sharat, at Belur, in the year 1898. In it Swamiji describes in detail his experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or complete mergence with “Brahman” or God – the infinite and self-luminous consciousness.

Who is God? The Surprising Answer Behind the Origin of the Universe ~ Pulkit Mathur

Who is God? – It will perhaps come as a surprise to many, that the goal of both science and spirituality is to reveal the answer to this very question! For to ask the question “Who is God” is to seek the answers to our very origins: “How did the Universe come into existence? How did life originate? What makes us conscious?” The aim being to discover the one unifying force from which everything that we see – be it plants or animals, planets or galaxies – in fact our entire Universe, has manifested.
