Stepping out of the spiritual closet in full glory was a big deal for me. I had been hiding this aspect of myself for over 20 years. Although I had never hid my desires for meditation and a spiritual practice, I never let on to how fringe the boundaries were that I really liked to explore. But then one day I said ‘f*%k it’ and I just owned it. It was the best decision I made for so many reasons.

Being authentic is a huge step into empowerment. Truly being okay with who you are, not the person the world wants you to show up as, opens you up to infinite possibilities. You have removed the shackles of judgment and fear and embraced your soul’s destiny. Aside from watching all of my dreams come to fruition in ways I had not anticipated (along with what felt like never ending joy) I also observed something I had not expected.

In the spiritual community, there can be a lot of false light parading around, but also false light in all areas of community – friends, co-workers, family, romance, business etc. When you begin to value and honor your truth, deception cannot remain hidden from you for very long. You have too much light for the lies to hide in the shadows and soon enough the deceiving energy is revealed. Find out exactly how becoming your most authentic version of Self can be your greatest super power in exposing the false light around you.

Love and expansion to you all,


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Nicole Frolick
Nicole Frolick is an international expert on Flexibility, inspirational speaker, and the author of Inflexible Me: Expanding Past the Inflexible Barriers of the Body, Mind, and Soul. She currently co-hosts a weekly radio show The Love Connection on Blog Talk Radio as well as her podcast Enlighten Up. Her spiritual practice has been a major part of her life since she was 17, but only fully stepped out of the spiritual closet in 2016, embracing her deepest passion: spirituality. Her passion lies in helping others discover what it means to live less out of fear and more out of love. She believes too many of us live in our limited (fearful) mindset, preventing us from expanding into our fullest potential. Her devotion to her work is anchored in illuminating the true power within you so that you become the best version of yourself in all aspects of your life.