Dearly Beloved Souls, you stand now at the threshold of the New Earth Aquarian Age.  You are ready to complete and anchor your transition into the Multi-Dimensional New Earth.

When we worked with you previously, in December of 2022, we activated the Golden Solar Heart (8th Dimensional) and the Galactic Diamond Heart (9th Dimensional) to allow you to access and ground those Higher Frequencies.  Now we are inviting you to activate and energise the Aqua Heart aspect that connects you to the pure flow of Crystalline Cosmic Water from the “Throne of God” or Source.

The image of the “Water Bearer” holding a container of Cosmic Water that is poured out onto the Earth is the symbol of the House/Constellation of Aquarius.  It signifies heavenly “water” or plasma energy that is transferred from the Higher Dimensions or realms to the Earth.

It is received on Earth by the Human Angels who are able to carry these crystalline energies via the Crown and Heart Chakra. The “Aqua Heart” is a Cosmic/Galactic level of the Heart that receives the frequency of Water Plasma and aligns with these higher impulses.  The Aqua Heart is pure, pristine and crystalline and it receives the pure transmissions of the Celestial “River of Life” so that the Earth and Humans can activate the pure crystalline aspects of their New Earth bodies.


As you begin to open to the frequencies of the Aqua Heart, you are assisted and supported by the Elohim Angels, and also the Cosmic Whales and Dolphins.

The “medium” of the Cosmos is Plasma or higher forms and frequencies of energy.  When the Human Angel is ready to activate the Aqua Heart, then the Angels step forward to support the expansion.

The Whales and Dolphins who exist and create in this Cosmic Medium too, are also part of this Aquarian expansion into the Galactic and Cosmic “waters”.  They will be on hand to teach you how to flow and spiral in the Cosmic Oceans.

The Aqua Heart is the vehicle of Galactic movement and Interstellar Communication and Travel.  It is how you reach into the Source/God Frequency of Who You Are in the great Spirals and Vortexes of Light and Being.


As you connect and re-connect with the pure flows of Interstellar Water Plasma, you connect with water in its highest and most crystalline state.  This initiates a process of radical transformation in the water stream particles both within your physical body and within the bodies of water on your planet.

The toxic residues will be released and there will be a movement toward cleansing and purification.

As the body purifies, it becomes more crystalline because the water molecules become more organized and structured.  The Icosahedron form becomes clear and water becomes both clear and pure as it moves towards its quantum state of Plasma in the higher dimensions.  It is Water that holds the crystalline forms in their highest states of radiant Love and Gratitude on Earth.  And it is YOU, Beloved Human Angels who program and structure the Water by holding the consciousness of Love and Gratitude in your bodies.  It is YOU who can purify and transform the Water of the Planet by working with the Communicative Consciousness of Water to send out the daily message of Love and Gratitude.

As the Oceans and the Water bodies on Earth begin to purify, so also will the Earth regain her Crystalline Purity and Radiance and the New Lemuria will rise. The New Earth and the New Lemuria will be a place of crystalline purity and radiance.  And within this setting will live communities who understand the importance of Water and work with its energies on all levels and dimensions.

~ Celia Fenn


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Celia Fenn
Celia Fenn is an International Writer, Channel, Artist, Spiritual Creative, Shaman and a Group Facilitator, and the Founder of Starchild Global. She travels the world to work with groups of people, as well as offering online webinar courses and private consultations. She founded and runs the Star Shaman School of New Shamanic Studies online, and offers online webinar courses in Spiritual evolution, and the relationship between Spirituality and Creativity. More recently she has started the "Soul Voyager" courses in Intuitive Painting as a means of Empowerment and Growth. Online Private sessions are also offered by Celia on a limited basis each month. Celia holds MA and PhD degrees in English Literature, and has also studied Art and Music. She lives in Cape Town, South Africa. She worked for 12 years as a University academic teacher of English Literature before switching to a career in Healing and Therapy. For ten years she helped many people to find their own personal healing path to wholeness and inner peace. She then became a channel for Archangel Michael, and developed the Starchild Global website. Her ongoing adventure has lead to a new focus on the grounding of the New Earth, Quantum Reality and Time Lines, the importance of the Divine Feminine energy and rediscovering the power of Shamanic practice and ceremony in a modality called Galactic Shamanism. She is the author of A Guide to Complementary Therapies in South Africa and the E-book, The Indigo Crystal Adventure. The Indigo Crystal Adventure has also been published in print form in German, Russian and Italian. Her latest book is The Diamond Codes : Light Information for the New Reality which helps people to understand the nature of the multi-dimensional post 2012 planetary reality. These are available from the Store section of the website. She is the Director of the Starchild Children's Foundation, which runs the "Children of Africa Project". This is a Community Support Program for the Children of the Cape Town area in South Africa. The project is run and maintained by donations.