Channeling Being : Ashtar,  Channeled by : Natalie Glasson

Greetings to all beings upon the Earth. I am Commander Ashtar, I am the overseer of the Airborne Ascended Masters and I have a spaceship which promotes the ascension process where many teams of ascended masters exist and are of service to humanity and the Earth. Those upon the Earth can visit my spaceship for upgrades, activations, and discovery of their inner truth, all are welcome upon my spaceship when radiating the vibration of the Creator’s love. It is our purpose to not only serve the Earth to also move throughout the Universe of the Creator being of service to different planets, stars, and dimensions throughout the Universe of the Creator. We have much wisdom and knowledge to share, inspiration that flows forth directly from the Creator into our beings and our purpose in our ascension process.

I, Commander Ashtar come forth now along with the ascended masters and star beings, to support and to make you aware of an upgrade that is taking place. I have already grounded and supported the anchoring of an upgrade within your light body. Your light body is the energy field surrounding you, it includes your energy bodies and houses your soul. When you travel without your physical body you use your light body. Your light body is like a library of wisdom and knowledge collected by your soul. It can activate the energies within your being and increase your energy vibration allowing you to become more sensitive to the vibrations of the Creator. As there are many levels of the light body, I wish to speak of the Creator fulfilled light body. This light body houses the fulfilled energies of the Creator, the wholeness and completeness of the Creator. When you access this light body, you can embody fully within your energy bodies, physical body, mind, and emotions the fullness, wholeness and completeness of the Creator. Therefore, accessing all that is the Creator and the eternal energy that is limitless without boundaries. When you access and embody this light body you may be aware of a rainbow energy as it often shows itself in rainbow light.

This energy downloading into your being and becoming fully active within your being supports you in achieving all that is necessary and needed for yourself and your ascension upon the Earth. It supports your work with the New Earth Ascension Blueprint which promotes your dreams and desires in manifesting in your reality now.

I, Commander Ashtar, have supported the activation and download of your Creator fulfilled Light Body. The Crystalline Kingdom have now stepped forth wishing to be of service. The Crystalline Kingdom wish to infuse your light body with its rainbow light and pure vibrations of the Creator. The Crystalline Kingdom on the inner planes will amplify the Creator’s vibrations, cleanses energies returning them to their original essence, the original vibration of the Creator. When the Crystalline Kingdom and your Creator Fulfilled Light Body integrates this will create a pure vibration of light. A cleansing and purification will occur within your light body on all levels and within your physical body/energy bodies, promoting a cleansing and purification within your physical reality as well.

You will feel more aligned with your original essence, your original vibration of the Creator. This means your thoughts, emotions and actions will also become more aligned with the truth of the Creator. With your light body activating the energy of fulfilment you will experience a greater fulfilment within your being and your reality.

Pocket of Purity

As this integration takes place, the Crystalline Kingdom will magnify and enhance the work we the Ascended Masters have achieved with humanity connected to their Creator Fulfilled Light Body. This will create a pocket of purity for those that are awake and aware. Those not awake or aware will be able to access this energy when they are ready. The integration within your light body will create an energy akin to a pocket of peace, security, stillness, sanctuary, and blissful relaxation. It is a window into the purity, love, essence, and the original vibrations of the Creator.

  • As the Crystalline Kingdom energises and amplifies your Creator Fulfilled Light Body you can connect your thoughts and intentions into your Creator Fulfilled Light Body by imagining a rainbow energy all around you and within you.
  • Then imagine, sense, or acknowledge the Crystalline Kingdom surrounding you, sending pure and sacred vibrations of light and amplification into your Creator Fulfilled Light Body.
  • The more you focus upon the rainbow light and the energy of fulfilment and purity a window into the essence of the Creator will open to you. You will find you go deeper and deeper into your being accessing this pocket of peace, bliss, purity, and sacred vibrations of the essence of the Creator. You will feel, sense, or acknowledge this essence emanating from your being filling every aspect of your being, entering your cells, mind, emotions, and all aspects of your being. You may discover your thoughts and emotions clear and wounds of a physical and emotional nature heal. You may notice there is a deep-seated peace, contentment, and fulfilment the more you focus and the deeper you relax into the pocket of the essence of the Creator. This will magnify your being, fortify, rejuvenate, and create an upgrade for your light body and entire being. A greater synthesis between your light body, your soul and your physical being will manifest.

Your Service

This process is not only needed for your own ascension to bring clarity, peace, connection, and alignment with the essence of the Creator. It needs to be distributed to the Earth and humanity, being grounded into Mother Earth to create a pocket of energy which is akin to a moment of silence, stillness, and original Creator energy. It will reactivate people; it is something souls have been waiting for. This reactivation will be akin to looking in the mirror, seeing the truth you have been seeking, which will almost kick start a new energy on the Earth of healing, fulfilment, wholeness and the original intentions of the Creator.

Not every soul will access this, some will access and experience it, then discard it, others will fully experience the energy creating a massive shift in their realities. What matters is that the vibrations are anchored into the Earth and beings can access this energy. Whenever souls upon the Earth wish or need to so the pocket of purity and original energy is available.

The more you access the integrated light of your light body and the Crystalline Vibrations, the less intense the integration will feel because you have embodied and become the energy, therefore, you may recognise within your being a greater stillness, peace, contentment, and fulfilment.

This is our focus now upon the Earth, the tools we share with you at this time of ascension are to create a clear intention, create healing, the release of unneeded energies and a greater sense of unity as well as the acknowledgement that anything and everything is possible.

We love you deeply and we thank you.

I am Commander Ashtar

Accompanied by the Ascended Masters

Thank you


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Natalie Glasson
Natalie Glasson is a Channel, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Spiritual Mentor and Founder of the Sacred School of OmNa. Natalie has been a channel for over 10 years dedicating her life to assisting others in awakening to the light of the Creator. Natalie has always been able to connect with and express the consciousness of numerous Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Elementals, Goddess Beings and Star Beings. She constantly shares new wisdom and enlightenment to aid emergence of the divine energy within the physical body, thus supporting the manifestation the Era of Love. Natalie is known for her pure and powerful channeling ability which attracts many wishing to evolve spiritually to study with her. The Creator’s love and the manifestation of inner bliss are always at the center of her communications, due to these qualities being valued by her soul. Natalie’s soul extends from her Soul Group the Celestial White Beings who exist from the 14th dimension and beyond, she is currently acting as a representative of their energy and consciousness on the Earth. Natalie’s first book was published in the UK in November 2010 entitled, Twelve Rays of Light, a Guide to the Spiritual Hierarchy. The book was later published and is available in the Lithuanian language. The Twelve Rays of Light is a unique guidebook to the spiritual hierarchy and energy levels beyond the Earth. The book helps you to discover the guides, teachers, leaders and Ascended Masters of the spiritual planes upon whom you may call daily to advance your development, expand your awareness and awaken your true self. Through the study of and integration with the rays and spiritual hierarchy, you will discover the keys to your own ascension process on the Earth. Natalie facilitates channeled workshops in London, Glastonbury, Ireland, Wales and Lithuania. She has also visited Egypt and Israel as a channel for spiritual groups. Through her website, the Sacred School of OmNa, In her spare time Natalie enjoys focusing on her own spiritual awakening, playing her crystal singing bowls, painting and practicing kundalini yoga. Born and brought up in Wales, Natalie now lives in Gloucester, UK.