Nora Herold, the Pleiadian Collective, and Ursula The Faerie
Excerpt from the Self-Care Magic Workshop & Transmission
August 19, 2021
This is Ursula. Helloooooooooooooooooo Beloveds!!!!! As always we are delighted to be able to be with you, to bring you all The Faerie perspective on magic and spell-work.
Nora gave you some details around self-care magic earlier in this discussion, and we are going to flush it out here a little more for each of you. So we want you to really, as you are taking in the instruction for the spell, you can both listen to it, you will be able to go back and listen to the replay, or recording as many times as you want, so, don’t worry about capturing all the details right now, instead, let yourself really connect with who you are right now. From the knowingness of who you are, in a very grounded and real, and practical way for you, let the ideas for your personal spell for self-care float to the surface of your consciousness. Really, you can be so simple with this kind of spell work, and in fact the more simple and practical and grounded and true to your life, true to you, true to your own personal experience for you right now. The more of this, the more effective your spells will be.
Oftentimes you think of magic and spell work and you think of wanting to use it to make something happen that feels out of reach to you in this moment. Then very often you feel like your spell work and your magic have failed because the thing that you wanted did not happen. So part of the issue is that you are overreaching. And it is really okay to acknowledge that, to acknowledge where you have overreached in your spell casting work, in your magic, or in your manifestation work, however you want to frame it in your own consciousness right now. We have been using the terms, “spell” and “spell cast”, and “magic” because they are actually a bit more grounded in 3D, in your consciousness, than the term “manifestation”, which takes you more into the new age thought forms and ideas around the fifth dimension. This is all fantastic, we are not dissing any of that information, but we are really intending to help you all ground and embrace your physical presence, bring your highest self to your physical forms, so you can create more beauty for yourself and your personal space in your life as it is right now, which then, of course, lets you get bigger, lets you go further, lets you begin to access those things that are out of reach. Your shift in this now moment, in your personal space, as it is, allows for those bigger moments. So this spell work is very much about that. It is not about radical change. It is about gentle shifts that allow for more gentle shifts, and suddenly you have radically changed.
Okay, so, self-care.
First, know the self. “What makes me happy? I am going to spend some time in some self-care, and I am not going to take myself out of my life to do it.”
So this is not about going somewhere else magical, far away. This is about you in your home, in your space practicing, now we will use the term, “radical self-care” because often you feel like you have to isolate yourself from your family, your relationships, or the rest of reality to be able to put your attention on yourself. This is also then why that kind of self-care work is not very effective when you come back down to earth because it happened all over there in some imaginary world where none of your problems exist, and then when you come back to the world of problems! UGH! It doesn’t match up, and you feel like, “I just can’t take care of myself, because I have so much going on.”
Let your self-care magic happen within the midst of your life, where there is much going on right now. So use your own home spaces for this spell. You can include going outside for a bit if you like, that is fine, that is fantastic, but this self-care spell is not a spell to be done specifically outdoors unless you live outdoors. If that is your home, then fine, but really bring it to your home. Bring it to your office, your place of work, if you like as well. Bring this self-care magic and spell to the most grounded spaces and the spaces where you spend the most time, the rooms in your home where you spend the most time, offices, etc.
So, you are going to devote a certain amount of time to this self-care magic. It can be one hour, it can be a few hours, it can be all day, it can be a few days, whatever you like. However, be reasonable and practical with yourself when you create the template for this spell. If you know it is going to be difficult for you to sit in a self-care spell for X number of hours then do not put that on yourself. That is you not being in alignment with yourself. That is you demanding too much, overwhelming yourself, and then again your spell will not be fun. It will not feel good. So devote whatever time you like.
Then make a commitment to, first, know yourself in every single moment that passes during the time period that you have designated. This means be fully truthful with how you are feeling, where are you are at, what lights you up, what is not making you happy, etc., without any judgment or need to fix or change any of it. Just know. Know yourself. And what will come from this knowing of the self are simple and gentle actions you can take with the intention in your spell casting. So there is no special incantation, no special action. There is just your intention, your knowing of yourself, and your commitment to self-care during this period of time. The things to do, the way to care for yourself, they will reveal themselves to you. Yes, you may go into it knowing a few things. You may go into your self-care spell, this self-care magical container, knowing, “Ah, I want to do this, this, and this”, and they are all things that feel yummy and delicious and good to you. And yes, absolutely include, yummy, delicious activities in your self-care spell.
A self-care spell doesn’t mean you cannot engage with others while you’re in the midst of your spell. In fact be engaged, be as engaged as you want to be with others and the world around you while employing this high-level magic through your body.
The things to do, the actions to take will reveal themselves. Take them. There will be other things that reveal themselves, other doors, other opportunities, that may reveal themselves, or be requested from you, or even someone may try to impose them upon you while you are in the midst of your self-care spell, and this will be the boundary piece for you. This will be an opportunity for you to check-in with yourself and say, “Is taking this action, a piece of my self-care, or is taking this action outside of the boundaries of my self-care?” If it is outside of the boundaries, put it on hold. Let the other person know, “I am not available for this right in this moment. I am not available.” If you can change the input, in your own consciousness to something that actually is a part of your self-care, then that is fine, then you can engage, but if you cannot, if it really truly feels to you, “This takes me completely out of it, it is outside of my spell”, then this is an opportunity for you to say “No”, in the most responsible way, the way that allows you to claim your space, your feelings, your agency.
So then moving forward, once you have completed your spell, notice how it is easier and easier for you on a regular basis woven throughout, just the regularity of your day, how is easier and easier for you to care for yourself, in very simple and gentle and small ways that have a radical impact because suddenly you are changed. You are more present. You are more connected. You are clearer. You are aligned.
As you operate in this way it becomes easier and easier for you to connect more deeply with your fifth dimensional consciousness/higher-self integrated into your third dimensional chakra system. And use the collaboration there with the higher energy, as you operate more and more as a creator being in your life. And this affects the whole, the collective, and allows an ease in the dynamics of the relationships. It allows you to lighten up within situations that feel intense and overwhelming where you are still holding respect and connection and care for all involved but your legs are not knocked out from under you because of the intensity.
So, have fun. You can do this spell as often as you like. We really suggest that you do one very clear definitive spell and then start to weave into your life in little moments, a moment of self-care magic, where your attention goes right to it, “Ah, I’m going to clean my desk right now, and this is a self-care magic spell, and I’m done in 10 minutes, spell complete. Ah, look how that makes me want to just do the dishes, and then it is so much easier to do the dishes right now than it normally is. It feels much lighter to me”.
Yes, this is how the energy progresses.
Full audio recording of this transmission available here
~ Nora