Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here, now, in this transmission ready to give planet Earth and all of her inhabitants a healing. We are transmitting more than words through the channel here, and we want you all to realize that the healing energies coming through are for you and for everyone else, because everyone is carrying some sort of weight, some sort of trauma. Everyone there on Earth needs to receive more healing, and so we offer the healing energies, and we invite you to receive them in your bodies and in your minds. We seek to help you in opening your minds so that you can believe in the possibility for healing. We invite you to unclench, to release all the tension that you are holding in your body right now, so that you can receive the offering of our healing.

We invite you to see yourselves as already being healed. Tune in right now to what that feels like for you. Welcome in all the help, all the support, and all the resources because they are all coming to you, and they can be received by those who have open minds, open hearts, and open arms. Remember that you are there to experience all of it. You are there to experience getting hurt and getting sick. You are there to experience what that feels like when you have emotional pain, physical pain, psychological pain, and you are there to experience a healing, a releasing of that which has caused the pain. You are there to experience joy, to connect the physical with the nonphysical, to recognize who you really are while remaining in your physical body. You are there to elevate the consciousness of self and of others.

And when you receive healing, you then have something more to give to those you are there to serve. And so, it serves you to be healed, and it serves all others that you receive this healing, this energy that we are transmitting to planet Earth right now from the twelfth dimension. Whenever you receive this message, you can receive the healing. This is not a time sensitive message. The transmission is complete when you receive it. And by ‘you,’ we mean all of you. Rest, relax, drink plenty of water and realize that you have so much help coming to you from above at all times. It is in no way limited to us and our transmissions.

We invite you now to not only feel for it, but also breathe it in all the way down into your root chakra, all the way down into the soles of your feet. Breathe it into the core of Mother Earth, and now send the healing you have received to where you know it is needed the most. And trust that it will get there. Trust that you are already healed and that there is nothing in the way of you living a full, complete life of joy, love, peace, creativity and excitement. We support you in those endeavors that you want to partake in the most, and we know that you can bring your whole selves now to whatever you are going to do next.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.

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Daniel Scranton
Hi, I’m Daniel Scranton. I am a verbal channel, and I bring through beings like: Yeshua, Archangel Michael, The Hathors, The Arcturian Council, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Quan Yin, The Buddha, and The Creators. I also teach channeling, sound healing, meditation, and a whole host of other courses. I work with individuals one-on-one, and I do group events. I meet with my clients via phone, skype, or other internet portals. I channel a message from the beings I work with every day, and I post it on my website and send it out to my email list. I look forward to hearing from you! Love, -Daniel